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Monday, July 28, 2014


We talked, desired, wanted and sought for betterment but never brought to reality as we imagined. Various people from multiple fields have given different theories but to no success. What in Heaven’s name are the Christians doing? We greatly desire the ways and developments of Americans, but we must remember their foundation.  Their heritage is of Christian and their constitution is highly influenced by Christian ethics.

Theories, books, and strategies may give us information but we need to be transformed, for which only the Bible and the God of the Bible can transform us. It’s Martin Luther, who discovered the truth of the Bible, who opens the eyes of the modern world, who brought the reformation. Scotland, England, and America shall be forever indebted to the man of God like John Knox, John Wesley and George Whitefield for the transformation they brought to their lands. Do we really want betterment? May our prayer to God be to raise up such godly man and woman among us! The problem is not intellectual, but spiritual.