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Friday, May 11, 2018

Enduring Adversities

 If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.  Psalm 119: 92 (ESV)
Summarize in a Word: Enduring Adversities
Key Principle: God’s Majesty is inscribed in His words. 
Key Application: Meditate on the words of God
Main point of the Passage: All adversities look pale when we discover the Majesty of God in His words.
Illustration: If you can enjoy World Cup Football, you can enjoy God’s goodness too.
Exhortation: Would you treasure God’s word in your heart, in your blood; not on paper, not on phone, not on internet, but in your being?

We often have False View of God. Our view of God is revealed unprecedentedly when we are in adversities. We like to think of God as one who satisfies our desires, who will excuse all our sins by His grace. This is dead wrong if we don’t understand His Majesty – the Majesty, which should make us tremble before Him (Ps. 119: 120). God does not exist to serve you; rather you are created to serve Him 24 x 7 eternally (v.91).
Do we like the Psalmist delight in God, or grumble? We grumble and complain, and sin because we have a low view of God, and Esteem Ourselves Something of Importance. Are we? Has God no rights to send us to eternal hell from day one of our lives? Is this not His extravagant grace that he lets us live, and provides Salvation (v.41)? Do you expect football to complain, or grumble, or retaliate when it is kicked? Not a perfect analogy, but suffice to point that God is absolutely good and right to do whatever He wants with His creation.
Of course, God did not create us like a football to be kicked by devils or by anyone. Rather the Scripture reveals that He is merciful (v.58), good (v.65), and just (137). Moreover, God is a vindicator of the just (v.74). His words can make us wiser than anybody (v.98). And His word is a never failing, sure guide (v.105). Those are the Reasons why the Psalmist could Delight in God instead of committing suicide or being bitter or life.
How do we Endure Adversities? It is by delighting in God’s word, like the Psalmist. Delight is an action, a practice we must do. It is not something we wait for, nor something to be done for us. The psalmist meditates on it all day long, night and midnight (v.98, 55, 62) because he trusts God to be faithful (v.86). Has there been even a sleepless night of studying God’s word in your life? Would you obey His words to realize His faithfulness, goodness, justice, and mercy? Would you treasure God’s words in your heart, in your blood; not on paper, not on phone, not on internet, but in your being? Surely, all adversities look pale when you discover the Majesty of God in Scripture.