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Monday, September 03, 2018

The Parable of the Good King

Part I:
There was a kingdom, where the king was just, merciful and wise. The king loved the people that he gave liberty for them to serve him willingly and voluntarily. He did not force his kingship over them because the people knew that they live in His kingdom, where the king’s law is the only law. However, the people of the kingdom were not as good as their king. They took the liberty as a license to do anything they wanted; instead of venturing out for the goodness of the kingdom and for the approval of the king. They wanted power, glory, and praise for themselves. So, it led them to rebel against the king. The king did not execute them for he wanted them to repent from their grievous sins. The king sent messengers and wise men telling them to appear him for reconciliation. They would not respond, so, the king warned that they would be executed sooner, or later if they continue to neglect the invitation.

Part II:
The rebels mocked the messengers and called them stupid in believing in the message of the king. They were willing to hear any message, but no… no from the king. Some thought it was a waste of time. Other thought that the king message was not entertaining because it warned them. They would not believe that the good king would be furious. Some outspoken people said that the name of the king should not even be mentioned. What do you think the king would do when those mocked messengers come back and report their wicked and foolish ways?
The first part of the story is exactly the same for us. May the second part be never true for us!!! We are here with the king’s message again. Will we heed the call, or mocked it, rub it off as a waste of time, and continue to rebel against God? The message of the King is the Message of the Cross, which is about the person and work of Jesus Christ. Only in it is the reconciliation - the way to survive, to prosper, to live a life meaningfully, and to enjoy the program of the King of the Universe.
God created man with a purpose to glorify Him. We have failed it and sought glory for ourselves. With that deviated attitude, we commit wrong things to one another, and chiefly against God. We do not acknowledge God’s rulership over our lives. We live as if we own our lives. We fail to reach the standard of God He sets for us. We have become sinners. God, being just and righteous require an account of us. We have brought condemnation upon ourselves. We must perish for our sins.
God loves us according to His mercy that He grants reconciliation through Jesus Christ. Jesus came to the world 2000 years ago to take away the sins of anyone who would believe in Him. To do that, He sacrificed himself (He bled and died on the cross), taking the punishment man requires from God. He (and He alone) could bear the punishment of God because He Himself is God. Sin did not overcome Him; rather He exhausted (crushed) sin upon Himself. He demonstrated that by raising up from death and proved that God would no longer condemn those who would cling to the sacrifice of Christ for their sins. Moreover, His resurrection guarantees that whoever believes in Him, would raise up again one day to be with Him in Heaven, and escape hell and any condemnations.
Our response
We should repent (turn away) from our sins. How? We must (abandon) all kinds of wrongdoings (sins). We must worship (honor) God all the times. Practice His presence. Be aware of His omnipresence. Above all, put your trust in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (alone) for reconciliation. There is no solution under heaven than in Jesus Christ. We can die for ourselves and go to hell (damnation of God), but to escape we cannot raise ourselves. Do not neglect the message of God. Obey it and become the follower of Christ.
Well, this is the initial step one must take to be reconciled. Then, we read the Bible and have fellowship with others who also are being reconciled to God.