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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Book Application: A Glorious Institution: The Church in History

A Glorious Institution: The Church in History
-         Stanford E. Murrell
This book is published by Chapel Library, Florida, USA. I find it to be not only factual but also theological because it is about the church of Christ. The author helps readers to see Jesus Christ building His church amidst all heresies, corruptions, and persecutions. Here are the Ten Applications I deduce implicitly or explicitly after reading this book:
1. Do not REACT against heresy; rather CONTEND the Faith.
Arius was reacting against the teaching of Sabellianism too much that he became heretic. It is wrong to react against anything. The Bible tells us to contend for the faith. It is to defend the gospel in such a way that we protect the sheep from the influence of false teachers. Furthermore, the Bible tells us to be as harmless as doves and as wise as serpents (Matt10:16). There are lots of factions and divisions among Christians. Denominations are popping up here and there condemning one another. If we are not reactive but try to sort out things according to the teaching of the Bible, this thing would not happen so.
In the church, we have even seen bloodshed and tortures because of reacting against one another. Any reaction is always accompanied by waves of anger that produce sins. Christians must be well equipped with Scripture to refute false teaching and to protect the sheep. If we are not well equipped, we would run short of knowledge and would compel us to react against them.
The other thing to overcome reaction is to be depending on God. We should not rely on our strength to fight against the schemes of Satan (heresy). We have to be prayerful for wisdom to answer them. Our goal also includes bringing them to the light of the truth- that the Holy Spirit will open their eyes and grant them repentance (Acts 8:18-24)
2. Do not be OVERWHELMED with the rise of the world, Christ is building His church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Bishops, ecumenical council)
The early century churches were not only persecuted by the world but were also influenced by the culture of the world. There were godly men who had the zeal for the spread of the gospel for the fame of Christ. However, their methods were not always right.  The formation of the ecclesiastical hierarchy was neither scriptural nor justifiable. Rather, it brought an abuse of power and corruption of the church as a whole. The corrupt leaders extinguished the light of the truth. One of the reasons for the formation of the hierarchy is to protect and shepherd the church from false teaching. The Bible requires that a pastor is the shepherd of the local church - not needed to be accountable to bishops or popes. He is the under-shepherd of Jesus the Great Shepherd.
When crisis comes, Christ is big enough to solve it in His ways - not through ecumenical means. Christ is present in His church. He is building it, nothing can demolish His building even if it is attacked. Christian must not be overwhelmed to be looking for one man on earth to make a decree, Christ should be the one. Nor necessarily be forming a council to prevent it. Christ is actively alive!
3. Do not think Church History as just factual; it is theological studies. (Sovereignty of God)
In the Old Testament, history, we see not only factual events, but also the hand of God in preserving the remnants, and His finger in judging the wicked. That is exactly true as we see the Church History. He raised up nations, empires, kingdoms that sometimes favored and sometimes persecuted the church. God is totally sovereign over it.
When there were influential heresies, God raised up an equally potential man of God to counter it. We see Athanasius for Arius, Augustine for Pelagius, Luther for Erasmus and the Church of Rome. God did not leave His church as an orphan to be attacked and be devoured by savage wolves. As we see the pages of history, we see the character of God. We see God’s providence, His grace, His judgment. It’s a theological study.
Christians must be very well aware of Church History for this reason. It does not only protect us from heresy. It does not only equip us for the battle, but it also gives us comfort and confidence and trust to stand true for Christ because God is sovereign. He is preserving His people.
4. Do not go after influential men; look for faithful men!
In Church History, we see the false teachers were all influential people. They were not only influential, but they also occupied some of the greatest influential positions of the church hierarchy. Often the great heresy came from within the church. For this reason, when we appoint for church leadership we should be careful of their doctrines. We should not look for their eloquence, nor should we look for their intellectual prowess. We can’t look for their social position or economic status too. We should be looking for faithful men.
Even from the Scripture, we see the Judaizers were influential men coming from Jerusalem, who had the reputation of being the men of James. They swayed away even Christians. A church that has influential people will command the congregation for good or bad. If he is a leader how much would be the impact? Scripture tells us to look out for faithful men (2 Timothy 2:2).
In the later part of the Church History, before the reformation, the church leadership positions were bought by people with wealth. The people who elected the pope were of the noble Italians in Rome. In Christianity, leadership is judged by faithfulness. When we are faithful, Christ rewards us that we would be influential like the light on a hill - shining brightly for all to see and come to Christ.
5. Be careful/discerning of children who profess to have “spiritual” knowledge.
In the days of the crusade (1212 AD), a German youth claimed that God had entrusted him for the crusade. 30,000 young people joined him. Many died of hunger, some were devoured by wolves. In the same year, another guy Stephen claimed to be of God and marched out with 20,000. They got shipwrecked and died. Those who survived were sold as slaves. What an insane to pay attention or yield to the claim of a mere child! Christian must be very careful of children no matter how talented or prodigious they may be. The church of Christ is reasonably sound and spiritually sound, adequate time must be given to show the fruit of their conversion.
For that matter, children should not be given a pulpit ministry as seen in lots of charismatic churches. Moreover, even for the enrollment of membership in the church or in baptism, children should be evaluated carefully.
6. A plurality of elder is a must.
The church had faced lots of corruption at the leadership level, which in turn had blinded the whole members of the church. The hierarchy of leaders was established, which felicitated the abuse of power by the leaders. They had become lovers of money, glory, and even sensuality. Of course, there were remnants who were faithful. However, they too were the product of their times found difficult to discern it or were not aware of some important matters.
These problems would have been reduced if they had a plurality of elders, instead of leadership hierarchy. The Biblical model of church leadership is plurality as is seen with Paul instructing the churches to appoint elders. In such a model, there would be checks and balances in everything. They would be accountable to each other. The church would be healthy. The church would be free from corruption, and it would yield much fruit.
In one instance the church has 3 popes (1033-1050). The popes excommunicated one another.  The author commented that “the depth of human depravity became manifested” (Chapter 11). Such incident rings out loud that the plurality of leadership which is the model of the New Testament church is the best and only form of church leadership.
7. Do not let any philosophy be equal with the Bible.
Church theologians and philosophers like Thomas Aquinas tried to synthesize Aristotelian philosophy and biblical theology which has been highly criticized by Protestants. Most of the time, philosophies developed or discovered by the wise people of the world are contradictory to the teaching of the Bible. Paul warned the philosophy of the world in Colossians 2:8 “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.
 Moreover, we need to realize that Scripture is given because no man can be saved by studying the natural revelation. For that matter, the “natural theology” should not be studied as equal to studying the Bible. Bible stands above all. It is the only source that teaches man the way of Salvation and of Christ.
By the way, the heresy of Arianism and Sabellianism are deeply rooted in worldly philosophy. They were influenced by pagan philosophy. They did not originate from the Scriptures. They tried to accommodate the teaching of the Bible in the philosophy prevailing in their times.
Moreover, it is also true that there is a mystery in the Trinity. No human ideas can comprehend the depth of it. Attempting to understand it or deduce it by mere human philosophy is impossible. In fact, if we can do it, God will not be God. Human beings are not only depraved beings but also are finite creatures with finite knowledge. So God gives revelation (Scriptures), that we may know what is needed, which we would never discover by our philosophy. Every Philosophy should be scrutinized under the lens of Scripture.
8. Reform the church; don’t break the church.
When Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses it was not to break the church but to reform it. John Wycliffe and John Huss were not having any intention to break with the church. They were not trying to make their name or to become popular. They wanted to bring out the true teaching of the Bible. With great pain, they had to accept the consequence of what happened when they started proclaiming the truth.
In our days, the church us splitting every now and then. Rebellion against authority is rampant. Floating new organizations (in the form of para-churches) and new churches that are not under any form of accountability have become normal. Nobody seems to love the unity of the church; everyone seems to love building their own empire under the name of truth. So, there are confusions among young Christians. The testimony of unity is greatly affected. Moreover, the churches and the organizations though claimed to have been formed for purity and truth. They have become more immature and easily attacked by false teachings.
We do need to learn from the past reformers. They were first learned man who had a deeply religious life who lived for the fame of God. They were the people who loved people. They were the preachers. They were the shepherds. They knew and were concerned about the people of their times. It was because of these affections, they could reform the church to bring truth and deliverance for their people from the corrupt leaders of the church.
Our times are totally different. Leaders who break away from the churches seem to be very careless of the spiritual condition of the people and are concerned about their emotional condition. We do need reformation all the time, especially when our practices omit or exceed the teaching of the Bible. But our concern must be to bring back to Scripture, not to break away from a church, on this lies the spiritual maturity.
9. Reject the traditions when they conflict with the teaching of the Bible.
From the early century, the church had lost itself to traditions. These traditions were good at their time, but not necessarily good for our times. In fact, as culture changes, preference also changes, and some of the traditions of the past are not only meaningless but disturbing. Traditions are things not found in the Bible but are handed down to the church from across the Church History.
Some of these traditions are heresy like ‘Mass,’ ‘Veneration of Mary.’ Some are just problematic like the position of church leadership: Bishops and Popes. We must reject them. We do not need bishops. Elders in the church are sufficient for the individual believers for spiritual guidance, in fact, he has the Holy Spirit as the true teacher. Christ is the builder and nourisher of the church. One must yield to His leadership and not to the imaginary leadership in the form of man (Pope and bishops).
 Furthermore, all kinds of traditions concerning dresses and celebration of days must not be legalized. Even the established traditions concerning such as baptism must be in accordance with the scripture.
10. Be equipped to counter heresy; it never dies.
Heresy existed right from the times of the Apostles. The Judaizers of the New Testament church had reappeared in the form of Roman Catholicism. Recently it appeared in the form of a New Perspective on Paul (NPP). The Gnosticism of the Bible appears in the form of Jehovah's Witnesses and others. The heresy of Pelagianism in the form of Arminianism. Heresy never dies. It just comes in new clothing.
We must be well equipped. Paul, Peter, and Jude warn us to do that. We are not to give up the fight but must contend for the faith. This equipping is not only for protecting ourselves but also for the congregation who are under the care of shepherds. Pastors are accountable to God for the sheep under his care.
In the olden times, people condemned heresy by forming a church council. In our days, church councils are formed to not condemn heresy, but to get along with it. We are living in a difficult time where heresy is acceptable and even endorsed. People are pleasing the sinners to come to church, rather than to please the One who called them to holiness. We must be well equipped not only to detect heresy but also to rescue the people who are held captive by it.