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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Palm Sunday: Following the Promised Savior

PALM SUNDAY 05 April 2020
 BIBLE TIME: (Q&A, Exposition, Application) (John 12:12-16)
Theme: Jesus is the promised Savior, follow Him.
Intro: Passion Week . . .
We have been experiencing very unusual weeks when the world is confined to rooms and we distancing ourselves from one another. We, Christian, aren’t surprised by such pandemic, not because it is trivial, but because we know the holy and just and good God. In the words of Apostle Paul, we can say, “All things work together for good.” Actually, this pandemic teaches us that anytime death can visit us, it can snatch us away, our loved ones and dear ones. Death respects nobody, the rich, the wise, the poor, and the strong, all can die anytime. Death is inevitable. If death is the end in itself, it is grim. But we know death is not the end, God in the person of Jesus Christ is offering us a resurrection which death can no longer snatch us away.
2000 years ago Jesus came to earth to give this new life. He lived for about 33 and a half years fulfilling the commandments of God for our salvation. On the final day of his life on earth, he showed up on Jerusalem, and that is the event we want to study today from John 12:12-16. It is the glorious and most significant week of the history of the entire universe, because of three great events happening of that week. We remember that week as Passion Week, and those three events are Palm Sunday (which is today, this Sunday), Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
What is the significance of Passion Week? What is its message? Passion Week, to put simply is about the PERSON and WORK of Christ for us to receive new LIFE. The message of Passion Week, (for that matter,) the Gospel, Bible, and Christianity is simple: John 3:16, “Whoever Believes In Christ Will Receive New Life.” Well, each and every 8 words in what I have just said is very important and consequential. We don’t have time to explain that today. How can ‘just’ believe in Christ give us new life, because just believing that US or Indian Scientists will produce a vaccine for Covid19 will never make us immune to this virus or cure us once we get infected? It’s similar. Just saying, “I believe Christ” doesn’t make you a recipient of new life. You must know Who He is, What He is, What He demands, What He gives. In other words, you must know the PERSON of Christ. Not only must you know the person of Christ, but also the WORK of Christ, What He has done for sinners, How He has made us acceptable before God.
In a way, the event of Passion Week unfolds like this: Palm Sunday tells us the Person of Christ; Good Friday, the work of Christ; and Easter Sunday, the New Life in Christ.
Palm Sunday: PROCLAMATION – Who Jesus is [PERSON]
Good Friday: CRUCIFIXION – What Jesus did [WORK]
Easter Sunday: RESURRECTION – What Jesus gives [LIFE]

Today, let’s study what happened on Palm Sunday and find out its message and apply it to our life from the passage of John 12:12-16, the shortest account in the four gospels. In the last study of John 12:45-57 we saw the Jewish leaders were plotting to kill Jesus, but could not, because “His Hour has not come.’’ Now His hour has come (v23), to proclaim Himself the Messiah, the Passover Lamb, who will take away the sins of the world according to what it had been prophesied by the prophets in the past. In doing so, the Jewish leaders will arrest Him on Thursday and crucified Him on Friday, and He will rise up from the dead on Sunday. The message we hear from this passage is, “Jesus is the promised Savior, follow Him.” At the appointed time, the King came to give His life, not to be adored and crowned with gold, but to be mocked, crucified and crowned with many thorns. The crowds of Jerusalem didn’t understand what was going on (v16), but we do understand now. So let’s find out by the methods of asking questions: Three demonstrations that Jesus is the promised Savior–
PROCLAMATION (12-13) of the people “cried”
Q1. Was the triumphal entry planned or accidental? [Refer to synoptic gospels]. What is the appropriateness of this occasion for Christ to program this? (John 12:12-13; 11:55)
Q2. The proclamation “Hosanna . . . The King of Israel” in v 13 is reserved for the coming of the Messiah. The people received Him as Messiah. How were they convinced of His identity? (9, 17-19).
Q3. The people received Him as Messiah but a few days later they crucified Him, Why? How sure are you that the God of your confession is the real God of the Bible? (Refer Deut. 5:7-8; Phil 3:19-20)
FULFILLMENT (14-15) of the scriptures “written”
Q4. Why did Jesus choose Donkey, and not like a Horse for a King? (v14) And what is the message of sitting on a donkey? (Matt. 21:5; Matt. 11:28-30). Next time, He will be coming riding on what kind of animal and why? (Rev 19:11)
Q5. Why do you think was the prophet saying, “Fear Not” (v15)? And were the crowd or the Pharisees afraid of Jesus? Should they? What about us, should we?
VINDICATION (16) by glorification (resurrection)         “glorified”
Q6. In v16, why could not the disciples understand the meaning of this event then? (Refer John 14:26; 16:13) In light of this truth, why is Bible so hard for some to believe? (1 Cor.2:14). What must be our attitude when we approach to study Scripture?
Q7. Which word in v16 tells you that Jesus is who He claimed to be– that He is the Promised Savior?
Q8. The crowd liked Him and addressed Him, King. It really looked like a triumphal entry. Was it a triumphal entry after all? Why did Jesus work so hard for a failed triumphal entry? What matters to Him and what must matter to you? (think through v23-26)

*     Three lessons learned from the crowd of Jerusalem:
1.     They had the wrong perception: Jesus was not the Messiah of their imagination.
2.     They had the wrong celebration: Physical (political) rather than Spiritual
3.     They had the wrong motivation: Political freedom rather than spiritual freedom

*     Three truths of this entry to Jerusalem (triumphal entry/ Palm Sunday)
1.      Jesus came willingly to suffer for us. He was the one who set the stage for His death.
2.      Jesus came timely to fulfill the Scripture (and the promise). God’s word never fails.
3.      Jesus came graciously to offer peace with God, freedom from sin, and glorious life.

1. Churches and Christians who aren't able to have regular fellowship. That they will not grow cold (weak) in faith.
2. Pandemic and Panic among us. That we would remain careful and be protected.
3. Doctors and Patients. That they will have strength and grace to fight the virus.
4. Scientists and Leaders. That they will have the wisdom to guide and help the public in this situation.
5. Food and Finance. That we all will continue to get daily needs. Remember the migrant workers too.
6. Careers and Economy. That our future will be taken care of by the amazing grace of God.
7. Fruit(s) of Christian. That we will demonstrate peace, hope, and love in this situation.
8. Heavenly minded. That we will have the perspective of heaven and not be worldly in our decision making and lifestyle!
9. Mission and Gospel. That we will remain passionate for the lost soul and live out the Gospel all the more as the day of the Lord nears.
BENEDICTION: May the Lord bless you and keep you throughout the week! Amen!