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Monday, November 30, 2020

The Zeal of the Pioneering Missionaries In India

Years ago I was given 7 thick books to read and write a review for each book within a week. It was a tough assignment that every seminarian must not be surprised by. They were about Indian Church History. As I read them, I admired the zeal of the pioneering missionaries for winning souls for Christ and the sovereign work of God throughout history. This post is a reproduction of the reflection I had taken then– the evangelistic zeal of the earliest missionaries to India, which we ought to imitate for the spread of the gospel and to fulfil (obey) the Great commissions more effectively.

Three areas we need to imitate:

Firstly, their passion for the spread of the gospel irrespective of their sound or erroneous doctrine. Jesus was the greatest missionary. He was so passionate that He came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). Before his earthly ministry was over He commissioned that all believers must spread the gospel in one way or the other way (Matthew 28:18-20). Therefore, all of us must be passionate to spread the gospel. The earliest missionaries to India were very passionate. Francis Xavier would visit the sick, travel to many places to spread the gospel. He would even go along the street calling for people. Menezes based on his belief that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ (which of course is false) would do anything to bring the Malabar under the Papacy. William Carey came all the way from England, despite the denials and rejection of him by his church to preach the gospel to India. He was not highly educated but was never intimidated.

Secondly, their compassion for the lost soul enduring hardships and sacrificing their lives. Ziegenbalg and his friend had to endure the bad relationship they had with the captain of the ship even before they reach India. William Carey, despite his poverty and England’s forbidding of missionaries, risked his life to enter India. Christian mission is never an easy way (cf. Matthew 7:13-14). They not only endured suffering but also had suffered in seeing their loved ones suffered. Carey’s wife and daughter died in India. What a heartbreak that must be! Carey did not turn back. He continued to work – harder and more fruitful.

Our Lord Jesus Himself says that we must count the cost of following Him (Luke 14:25-33). It is to put God’s way before anything. These people of history endured suffering and hardship. The reason they did what they did is because they were compassionate for the lost souls. Jesus wept out of compassion in Bethany (John 11:35). Scripture tells us many times about Jesus’ compassion for people (Matthew 9:36; 14:14; 20:34, etc.) We ought to do things because of our compassion. It is said that Carey would weep and weep for the lost sinners in his prayer. He helped abolish Sati. He established an institution to educate the people of India. Other missionaries gave away even their small salaries for the poor Christian. Why is our evangelism fruitless? Could it be because we have no compassion for the lost souls?

Thirdly, their reliance and confidence they have in God to fulfil (obey) the Great Commission. The reason and motivation for our evangelism is because God is interested in saving people (John 3:16-17; 1Timothy2:3-4). In fact, Jesus said that His sheepfold comprises all tongues, nations, and tribes. He predestined that the elect would be saved through the hearing of the gospel (Romans 10:17). Thus we do evangelism not because we have clever ideas or anything but that we trust God. No amount of hearing the gospel will save anybody; no amount of wise argument will convert anyone to Christ; no amount of gifts to poor people will lead them to Christ; if the Holy Spirit does not work (cf. John 3:8). We must rely on the Holy Spirit of God.

However, Jesus promised His disciples that He would be with them throughout the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:20). For us that is true – we have the Holy Spirit in us, we have the Bible, the word of God which is living and active, converting the soul (Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 19:7). Thus we do evangelism knowing the power of God and His faithfulness (1Corinthians1:18). We cannot do God’s work without trusting God’s faithfulness. We cannot have confidence in our ideas or anything except in His word. That’s what the earliest missionaries to India did. They rely on God and trust God. They were confident in God. William Carey said, “Expect Great Things from God, and Attempt Great Things for God.’ History has given the verdict that William Carey indeed expected great things from God and attempted great things for God.

Carey came to India from a group of people who did not believe much in evangelism. Carey because of his reliance and confidence in God came to India despite the British government’s disapproval. He lived in India by faith without much help or no help at all from England for his survival. He worked in a factory. Then he tutored himself in languages. He became a professor. He established institutions. He translated the Bible into many Indian languages. He did that because he relied on God and had confidence in the power of the Word of God. Are you trusting God? Are you convinced that “… in it (the gospel) is the power unto Salvation” (Rom 1:16-17)?

Let us learn from church history and imitate them. Paul told us to imitate others who are worthy of imitation (1Corinthians11:1). We do not need to imitate them in all areas (and rightly so) but we must imitate their passion for the spread of the gospel, their compassion for the lost sinners, and their reliance and confidence in God of Salvation. Amen!