"Your election by God. For our gospel did not
come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much
– 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5
Are you truly saved? If we believe the gospel, we are saved. Most of us with
Christian parents growing up in a Christian community know what John 3:16 is,
which is a very clear gospel message. We can recite it by heart and even
profess to believe it, but are we saved? If you ask around, the answer will be
mostly "No" or "I don't know." In this verse, we see Paul
explaining how Thessalonians are truly saved.
Salvation is the work of God. The preacher only proclaims the gospel, but
the faith in the gospel (the kind of faith that saves us) is wrought unto us
only by the Holy Spirit. Gospel is necessary for us to be saved, but we need
more than the gospel, we need the work of the Spirit. That's why though many
know and believe John 3:16 they are not saved. If salvation comes merely by
hearing the gospel, almost everyone would have been saved by now because almost
everyone has heard the gospel. That's why we see in the gospel narratives that
most of the hearers even of our Lord Jesus Christ were not saved. Oh! How we
depend on the Holy Spirit for the gospel to bring salvation.
When you hear a sermon and when you read the Bible, are you convicted of
your sins? Do you tremble before God and ask for forgiveness? Do you see your
need for an advocate, Jesus, to save you? Do you cling to Him? Do you find
deliverance in Him? Those are the works of the Holy Spirit. Then, you can say
the gospel comes not only in word, but also in power. Paul thanked God because
he had seen this true work of God in Thessalonians.
Personal Reflection:
- When was the last time I trembled while reading the
word of God?
- As a preacher, do my sermons tickle people's ear or
make them uncomfortable with their sinful disposition?
Personal Commitment:
- To beg for the work of the Holy Spirit in the reading
and teaching of God's word.
O God, for the work of Your Spirit I pray, even as I read this devotional writing. Make me fear You and empower me by Your Spirit to live a resolved holy life, Amen!