"True Christians Love One Another Truly"![]() |
Two Truths that will help you love one another: 1. By knowing who your Father is - God, not Serpent, 2. By knowing who your Captain is - Christ, not Cain |
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Block Diagram and Outline: 1 John 3:11-18
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Hopeful Living in a Worsening World
“And with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” – 2Thessalonians2:10-12
Sometimes we feel that the
world is getting better, other times we feel it is getting worse, which is truer
between these two perceptions? God created a good world, but then, upon the
entrance of sin, God cursed the world, and one day the world will be annihilated.
Sin (depravity) is getting worse day by day. And the Scriptures prophesy that
Satan will grow to be very powerful just before the end. Oh! Then, what hope do
we have for the present and the future? This passage reveals how we can live in
hope and be rich in good works even when the present world looks defeating (you
may read v9-17 for the context).
First, Satan has power only
over the non-believers. He can only deceive the perishing
ones. Sure, his schemes can trouble us physically and even emotionally; but our
faith, our hope, and our salvation have been established by Jesus. Nobody can
snatch us, nor separate us from the love of Christ. We will not be shaken.
Second, the destruction
of the wicked along with Satan is sure. Those claiming to be
wise, ridiculing us to be fools, are actually the real fools, being deceived by
Satan. And their deception will increase because God allowed them for their
destruction. We will be vindicated by God’s righteous condemnation of the wicked.
Third, the very
persistent nature of Satan should challenge us to be not complacent in good
works or in rescuing the perishing. Satan never slumbers,
is never discouraged, and is never satisfied. He hunts for his prey prowling
the earth to and fro. Satan and the anti-Christ come to deceive the non-believers
that they may be condemned eternally. Jesus comes to save the believers that
they may live before God forever.
Is it not comforting to
realize these truths that God is preserving us in all situations? Has not our
Lord himself promised that His church will prevail no matter what? Let us then
live not as the world without hope, but rejoice for the gift of faith and His salvation,
and anticipate His return!
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Monday, July 19, 2021
Block Diagram and Outline of 1John 3:19-24
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Three Truths about God that will guarantee Confidence before God: 1. God Affirms Our Obedience – Keep Loving, 2. God Answers Our Prayers – Keep Praying, 3. God Abides in Us – Keep Living by the Spirit. |
Friday, July 16, 2021
Heavenly Citizens
"For our
citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Saviour, the
Lord Jesus Christ"
– Philippians
It is natural for us to be
more comfortable at home and to be longing for home when we are in a
distant land. I still remember even the food I ate when I was growing up and
would like to have them again. Home is where we belong. Apostle Paul in this
verse reminds Christians that this present earth is not our home. Those who set
their minds on earthly things are not the citizens of heaven, they are the
enemies of Christ, the King of Heaven.
The Triune God created this
world, continues to preserve it, but one day it will pass away (Rev.21:1). Our
Lord Jesus came from heaven into our world to deliver us from the wrath to come,
and He ascended to heaven to prepare for us a place to live with Him. Heaven is
a place wherein God dwells. We are not only created by God for Him, but we are
also bought by the blood of Jesus Christ again; twice we belong to God, and we
must be where we belong.
Every Christian is a citizen
of heaven. A citizen of heaven is a heavenly minded person. A heavenly minded
person is one who looks forward to being conformed to the likeness of Christ.
Apostle John says that whoever has this hope purifies himself, which means that
he endeavours to live a life of holiness and righteousness. A worldly person
lives and works for money, praise, and pleasure; and would do anything to obtain
them. A Christian, even though he might need them, would choose to obtain them in
righteousness, because he ultimately lives and works for the glory of God.
Personal Reflection:
Do I cultivate personal holiness in anticipation of the return
of my Saviour?
Do I always rejoice in Him who had justified me and
sanctifies me now that He will surely glorify me at His appearing?
Personal Commitment:
I must live for the cause of Christ and be delighted even
in all the trials of life because God is my dwelling place.
Lord Jesus, King of my life,
help me to delight in You more than in anything of this world, Amen!
Monday, July 12, 2021
Block Diagram and Outline: 1 John 4:1-6
Friday, July 02, 2021
I saw you!
“Nathanael answered and said to Him, “How do You know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.””
“I saw you!”
Jesus not only saw Nathaniel but knew him through and through because Jesus is God.
There was nothing Nathaniel could hide from Jesus, either his thoughts or
actions of past and present. Fortunately for Nathaniel, Jesus chose to declare
him righteous. Indeed, God sees and knows everything. He knows us long before
we were born, nay, before we were formed in our mother’s womb. On the contrary, we don't know even who we are,
particularly how sinful we are. The Lord searches the heart and understands who
exactly we are. Bad news: our hearts are deceitful above all things, even our
best deeds are like filthy rags; we are all depraved sinners.
Yesterday I was so
annoyed with my slow laptop, I hit my keyboard once, running out of patience.
Then I realized a neighbour could be seeing me because my window and door were
left open. I was so relieved that nobody saw it. Yet, I knew I should have exercised
more patience publicly or privately. Sometimes, we, sinners, are okay with sins,
and reluctant to repent if nobody sees our sins. When we do that, we are acting
as if God does not see us.
We love the praises of
man and sometimes would do anything to get them. The greatest and sweetest
praise of man achieves nothing if God does not approve of us. Even our conscience
will torment us if we have a double-standard life: one in private and the other
in public. God demands that we live for Him alone. We do not live for man’s
approval. We do not live even for our self-approval. Remember, God is always watching
us. If we are Christians, God sees us in Christ, and therefore He will declare
us righteous no matter what. Yet if we sin, He will surely chasten us because God
chastens whom He loves. Would you practice the presence of God at all times?
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