Welcome back to Help Think!
It’s the New Year 2025. A Very Happy New Year to you
I took a one-year break from blogging, but now I think it's time to
resume it. Last year was a busy year for me. First, I got married. Second, I have
been busy pursuing further studies at The Master’s Seminary, Los Angeles, California. Third, I moved to
a new city, from Delhi to Hyderabad. And several (smaller) factors made me take
a break. It is not unusual for me. I took a break in 2015 and 2017 also because
I was busy in seminary.
There had also been an annoying technical issue with this blog, unfortunately.
It was about two years ago that I was notified by Google Analytics to upgrade
some technical aspects of my blog. I do not have the expertise to do it, so, Help
Think has not been indexed on Google search for the last two years. However, there
had been more than 20,000 views last year alone, even with a single post. I
thank you all, oldcomers and newcomers!
The technical issue has not been fixed yet, but I cannot continue to
wait for someone to help me fix it to resume blogging. Though the blogposts of
the past and the upcoming ones may not be readily found in Google search, I intend
to be regular in blogging this year, posting two to four articles per month. I
trust you will find them edifying, educating, and enjoyable. Unlike the previous
years, this year, I intend to make Help Think more reader-oriented. By which I mean,
I will post articles that I believe are relevant to most readers. Some of
the blog posts of previous years were only for pastors or seminary-trained people.
However, this time, I aim for a larger audience.
Would you share with your friends and family whatever articles you find edifying,
educating, or enjoying? I do not have social media pages like Facebook or
Instagram, you are welcome to share any blogposts and promote them.
PS: For many years, I have disabled the comment section, and I am still undecided this year whether to leave it open or closed for comments and interactions.