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Showing posts with label 1Samuel. Show all posts

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Bible Reading Reflection from 1 Samuel 21-26

[Originally posted in a WhatsApp group (SSEU), a reading update (reflection) from one chapter of the Bible a day] 

πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ πŸšπŸ™:πŸ™πŸ›

"So he disguised his sanity before them, and acted insanely in their hands, and scribbled on the doors of the gate, and let his saliva run down into his beard."


1. David never thought highly of himself; he didn't mind being treated as a fool.

2. David would do anything to survive; some people loved their honor and would die.

3. David didn't revolt against the anointed king.


1. David lacked trust in God, for which he would confess and repent later on.

Well, If I were David, I can't think of a better way than what he did. He was sinful, but in this episode, I might even be more sinful than him. Whether we like it or hate it, whether we can do better or worse, sin is sin!

Peter denied Christ when he feared the guards. Peter sank when he feared the waves. Abraham abandoned his wife Sarah when he feared Abimelech, so was Isaac. There's sin in fear! May we be people of courage!


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ 𝟚𝟚:πŸ™πŸ 

"Then the king said to Doeg, "You turn around and attack the priests." And Doeg the Edomite turned around and attacked the priests, and he killed that day eighty-five men who wore the linen ephod."

Saul dared to kill the priests of God. He massacred 85 people. Last time, Samuel mentioned that Saul could kill him. This Saul is a blood-monger.

Not surprising that people are attacking churches and preachers. How many churches, even in the civilized west, Canada are burnt down this year? No surprise if persecution, allegation, lynching come up anytime anywhere!

The priest Ahimelech stood his ground, even when all his households were at stake. How many will give up the Gospel if they [persecutors] threaten to kill their children?

The 2016 movie, The Silence portrayed such scene. A priest was asked to deny Christ or be dead. That was easy for him. But when the persecutors threatened to torture and started to torture his people, he apostatized.

Ahimelech stood his ground and all his family members up to 85 people were killed! Just for David that also! Hmmm! Some things are worth suffering and sacrificing, and dying for. Top among them is the Gospel! Oh! May I be found willing and ready when the time comes!


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ πŸšπŸ›:πŸ™πŸ™

"’Will the men of Keilah surrender me into his hand? Will Saul come down just as Your servant has heard? O LORD God of Israel, I pray, tell Your servant.’ And the LORD said, ‘He will come down.’"

I still remember myself getting so fascinated with this story even when I was a young boy reading my Bible. I had never heard it from anyone, but I read and understood. Till today, I have never heard anyone preach a sermon from this passage, nor have I read any exposition from anywhere. Well, it's a testimony that God's word is alive and powerful that even a young boy could understand by himself!

People say Bible is boring to read because they don't understand. Well, I don't understand why people say that. Sure, there are many things I can't make sense of when I am in my daily reading, but I almost always see something striking. How could Bible be boring!!!

All this to say: read your Bible regularly. All your excuses are funny and shall not vindicate you when you stand before its author. Having said that:

David earnestly inquired God [always] in this episode. Mentioned at least 4 times. God answered all of them; David didn't like anyone of them! πŸ˜‚

God commissioned him to fight for Keilah. He did, but he wasn't allowed to enjoy the victory. Even the people of Keilah would deliver him to be executed. And Saul was still doing everything to kill David, even when he has driven away from their mutual enemies, Philistines.

God's ways are mysterious, which WhatsApp post has no time and space to reflect upon more!


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ 𝟚𝟜:𝟠

"Afterward David also arose and went out of the cave, and called after Saul, "My lord the king!" And when Saul looked behind him, David bowed with his face to the earth and paid homage."

What a list of contrast in this account of Saul and David.

And David would humble himself before such man, and even debased himself to a dog, oh dead dog, and to a flea (v14). Of course, he was talking about the harmlessness as doves. But why not choose a dove over a dead dog?

I struggle to respect a wicked man. I struggle to respect a foolish person. I struggle to respect an incompetent person. Oh! I can go on, but let me not disclose much of my vulnerability. 😢

It's something to learn from David. I was just listening to John Piper today, and he defined humility in this way "looking at other people and regarding them, whether they are or not, as worthy of your service." Wow! He got that from Phil2:3-4.

Well, David is that man.


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ 𝟚𝟝: πŸ›πŸš-πŸ›πŸ›

"And David said to Abigail, ‘Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who sent you this day to meet me! Blessed be your discretion, and blessed be you, who have kept me this day from bloodguilt and from working salvation with my own hand!’"

I don't like this story, but I like the demonstration of how God protected a man of God from committing sins. My years are few, but I have seen the protection of God in my life many times!

Last night I was listening to Sinclair Ferguson. He said that you will not be able to tell a difference between Peter and Judas on the night Jesus was betrayed and denied by them. It's the intercession of Jesus that leads Peter to repentance.

Spiritual victory, standing firm, spiritual discipline, repentance are the blessings of God. David Brainerd wrote in his journal many times that one of his struggles of sins is spiritual pride!

David must have been convicted heavily and deeply impressed by the approach of Abigail, he ended up marrying her! It's God who lives our spiritual life. It's we who live the life of the flesh (Galatians 2:20).

Even all these regular WhatsApp Posts!


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ 𝟚𝟞:𝟚𝟜

"Behold, as your life was precious this day in my sight, so may my life be precious in the sight of the LORD, and may he deliver me out of all tribulation."

No wonder Jesus taught His disciples to pray, "Forgive us as we forgive others."

If David could be that merciful to a man like Saul, He knows God is better than him. There are times when we swallow our anger, hold our peace, maintain our composure; remember, God sees those and will reward you. If you being evil can do that, why won't the righteous Father do much more? (Matt. 7:11)

For every good deed we do, for every wrong thing we avoid, big or small, God sees it. May we at least learn to say like David!

If there's one thing we need to learn from David, it is how to pray. Look at how many Psalms he wrote! Let's practice praying like that. But to pray like that, we've got to do those acts of mercy, grace, goodness, etc.

Saturday, April 09, 2022

Bible Reading Reflection from 1 Samuel 16-20

[Originally posted in a WhatsApp group (SSEU), a reading update (reflection) from one chapter of the Bible a day]

πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ πŸ™πŸž

v12 "So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And the LORD said, ‘Arise, anoint him; for this is he.’"

Even Bible reading Christians have a wrong view of David. I can understand that because narratives [what we heard] are often stronger than what we read. I myself have found myself many times flipping the pages of my Bible to confirm whether what I grew up hearing is indeed true or a myth! Like the stories of David, Noah, Gideon, and Christmas.

Those Sunday School teachers and preachers who added details, their mouths should be whacked, huh! πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚

BTW, just look at the description of David: ruddy, beautiful eyes, handsome. His brothers were all kingly in appearance v6. David came from a good stock of genes! He was the youngest, but not spoiled; he was very responsible, tending the sheep v11.

v16. Skillful player of harps chosen to be at the palace. Do you think Indian Idol winner Pawandeep Rajan will be invited to Rashtrapati Bhawan? A far talented guy than him was David. No wonder later on when he became king, he assembled musicians and psalms to praise God through music and songs.

v18. Skillful musician, a mighty man of valor, a warrior, prudent in speech, handsome, and Yahweh with him.

v21. Saul loved Him

v23. Saul would be refreshed by the presence of David.

He killed a bear and a lion. I don't think even Bruce Lee can do that!

I don't have beautiful eyes, rather I have to wear thick spectacles. I ain't handsome, I can't even slingshot off a bird, don't even play guitar. Well, "prudent in speech" is what I can think of to imitate him.


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"But David went back and forth from Saul to tend his father's flock at Bethlehem."

An interesting mention in this chapter is the sheep, that David was a shepherd v15.

From Royal Court to wilderness to tend the sheep.

Even on the battlefield, with a conversation with his warrior brother, they talk about sheep again (v28).

When he decided to fight Goliath and came before the king, Saul, he talked about sheep again (v34).

When he came and stood before Goliath, he came like a shepherd, not as a warrior, again with a stick (staff) v40. ["shepherd" is mentioned again].

Even in the act of killing Goliath, David's shepherd bag is mentioned again v49.

I see a shepherd boy in this chapter. A shepherd, chosen to shepherd Israel. A shepherd who went to the Royal court to tend the needs of a king. A shepherd who took food to the battlefield for his brother. A shepherd who volunteered to fight those who despise God. A shepherd who refused to pretend to be who he was not (he refused Saul's armor, and delighted to be who he was). A shepherd who went to battle. A shepherd who won the battle.

No wonder, he wrote, "The Lord is my Shepherd!" (Ps.23) Yahweh is the Shepherd of this magnificent shepherd boy! And Jesus said, "I am the Good Shepherd!" (John 10).

And Jesus told Peter to be a shepherd (John 21). And Peter in turn tells the elders of the church to be shepherds (1 Pet 5).

#Shepherd, #Sheep, #Sheepfold


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ πŸ™πŸ :πŸ™πŸœ

"David was prospering in all his ways for the LORD was with him."

This was said of Joseph too. The stones that were thrown at him had become stepping stones to attain a further height of success and glory.

Saul planned to give Michal to be a snare to David, well, she loved him like anything!

Saul asked 100 Philistines that he [David] may be killed, well, David brought 200.

Saul sent him out to war to be killed, well, even the enemies esteemed him. And the Israelites and Saul's soldiers loved him!

That's what it looks like when God is with a person, and when a person walks with God. What further motivation do we need than this!?

Walking with God is not an absence of suffering, threats, troubles, and challenges; it's endurance, faithfulness, and going through all of them. That's why even Psalm 23 says, "Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death"; it's walking through, not escaping.

Our Lord says, "The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church." The imagery here is not a prevention of trouble, nor an escape from trouble, but the walking through greatest trouble and threats!

Satan used Judas to kill Christ. Well, God raised Him up for the defeat of Satan and for our victory! Indeed, God can use the hurled stones for stepping stones to bring more glory to Him and His servant! In trouble and suffering, we may do well not to complain, but to contemplate, that's comely of Christians. The great Bible commentator Matthew Henry says, "Sinners in trouble bark like dogs; The godly in trouble mourn like doves." (Paraphrase).


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"Now Saul told Jonathan his son and all his servants to put David to death. But Jonathan, Saul's son, greatly delighted in David."

In this chapter alone, Saul tried to kill David thrice; and David was protected thrice. The intensity increased, not decreased; God's protection was also greater.

His friend Jonathan protected him in the palace. His wife Michal protected him in his home. Samuel's God protected him in God's house. In the public square, private home, sacred place, a man who dwells in God is protected!

Blessed is a man whose dwelling is God. Blessed is a man who has such friend, such wife, and such spiritual leader!


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ 𝟚𝟘:πŸ›πŸœ

"Then Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger, and did not eat food on the second day of the new moon, for he was grieved over David because his father had dishonored him."

Saul hurled his spear at Jonathan. Wow! Had Jonathan not a skilled warrior, he couldn't possibly escape that!

Jonathan was grieved because his father had set his mind to kill David. There's no mention that he was sad because his father almost killed him. His loss of appetite and sadness was in sympathy with David's condition.

Jonathan is an outstanding example of loving others! He would rather think of Saul's anger against David than [his father, Saul’s anger] upon him!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Bible Reading Reflection from 1 Samuel 8-15

 [Originally posted in a WhatsApp group (SSEU), a reading update (reflection) from one chapter of the Bible a day]

πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ 𝟠:πŸ›

"His sons, however, did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after dishonest gain and took bribes and perverted justice."

Never presume your children will grow up like you (especially your walk with God). Eli's sons weren't. Hezekiah's son, Manasseh wasn't. Samuel's sons weren't. John Piper's son wasn't. Francis Schaffer's son wasn't. Nietzsche and Darwin seemed to have a religious upbringing. I think even Miley Cyrus’ parents were church leaders!

Job prayed and made sacrifices for his children every early morning. But I am glad for the Gaithers' song: "Because He lives, this child can face tomorrow."


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ 𝟑:𝟚

"He had a son whose name was Saul, a choice and handsome man, and there was not a more handsome person than he among the sons of Israel; from his shoulders and up he was taller than any of the people."

His father was a mighty man of valor. He was tall and handsome. A perfect combination to be desired by all!

God gave them what they would want. BTW, let’s remember David accurately. He wasn't a weakling. He fought a lion and a bear. Would UFC fighter, or Modi or Kim Jong Un, or Vladimir Putin pick a fight with a bear or a lion? I don't think so!

God doesn't despise the rich, tall and handsome. He rejected Saul because of disobedience; God hates disobedient people! If you are poor, dwarfish, ugly, and also disobedient, how pathetic it is. Like Winston Churchill said of one woman, "Madam, I am drunk and will be sober by morning, but you will still be ugly in the morning!" Hahaha!

Saul was a son of a mighty man, and he himself tall and handsome!


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"But certain worthless men said, "How can this one deliver us?" And they despised him and did not bring him any present. But he kept silent."

v6 says Saul was already a changed man. v9 repeats that Saul was really a changed man. v26 says God changed some people's hearts to stick with Saul.

Of course, who would want to stick with this coward? But God changed their hearts, and Saul has also become worthy of following. The amazing work of God. Whom God calls, God qualifies and equips for His work.

Well, there were some worthless men. Always! Where God works, Satan wants to stick in too. I am still young, but I have met some worthless men already!

Saul maintained his silence! Kudos to Saul, at least for this!


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ πŸ™πŸ™:πŸ›

"The elders of Jabesh said to him, ‘Let us alone for seven days, that we may send messengers throughout the territory of Israel. Then, if there is no one to deliver us, we will come out to you.’"

This story always fascinates me. Nahas sounds so gruesome yet he commands my respect. He allowed those inhabitants to ask help to kill him. He gave them chance, opportunity. A man of principle.

It is often said and seen in war history that in wartime there are no rules. They say, "All is fair in love and war." After all, only the winners live to tell that and write the history; they've got to justify their conduct.

Nahas dared to give them time to fight him! I wish the Taliban would do that! Or RSS would do that instead of lynching! I wish the underground of North East are man enough to do that instead of abducting and killing such and such!

All underground and terrorist leaders should salute Captain (King) Nahas! 😎


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"’Is it not the wheat harvest today? I will call to the LORD, that He may send thunder and rain. Then you will know and see that your wickedness is great which you have done in the sight of the LORD by asking for yourselves a king.’ So Samuel called to the LORD, and the LORD sent thunder and rain that day; and all the people greatly feared the LORD and Samuel."

Samuel dared [proposed] to bring down rain in an unusual time of rain; he did! Are there Samuel-like people who are cut from the same cloth still in our times? Will God ever raise up such people like Samuel, Elijah, and Isaiah?

Or do we really need such people these days? I don't think so.

But are there people who are godly as them, who are as faithful as them, who are as prayerful as them? I would like to think so.

There are some godly men who have studied the sign of our times and warned what's about to unfold. And they are found to be right again and again!

Like the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, if we don't listen to them, nobody will listen even if Samuel shows up now. Actually, Saul didn't listen to Samuel when he was raised up by the Witch of Endor.

For example, Spurgeon has warned regarding the Downgrade Controversy. JC Ryle. Francis Schaffer etc...


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ πŸ™πŸ›:πŸ™πŸ™

"But Samuel said, ‘What have you done?’ And Saul said, ‘Because I saw that the people were scattering from me, and that you did not come within the appointed days, and that the Philistines were assembling at Michmash.’"

I am sure all of us can see Saul in ourselves. Saul was a son of Adam and Eve what to do! Playing the blame game. Or to be more fair: Saul made up 3 excuses that look really genuine to a natural man:

1. Saul blamed (made an excuse) the people that they were disloyal and deserted him.

2. Saul blamed (made an excuse) that Samuel didn't come a little earlier.

3. Saul blamed (made an excuse) that the enemies (problems) are challenging.

Indeed, an ignorant, arrogant fool was Saul! I-A-F – (not Indian-Air-Force) but Ignorant-Arrogant-Fool.


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ πŸ™πŸœ:𝟚𝟑

"Then Jonathan said, ‘My father has troubled the land. See now, how my eyes have brightened because I tasted a little of this honey.’"

Saul and Jonathan, father and son, what a set of characters! Totally different. Saul was a hypocrite. Saul was a coward. Saul's idea was dumb. He was willing even to kill Jonathan to save his face.

Everyone knew Jonathan was the hero. Even later on David will be the hero. Saul wanted to be a hero, but he never had the brain nor the guts of a hero. But he always wanted to remain in power!

There seems to be a lot of leaders like this, maybe even Biden! πŸ™‚πŸ˜‚


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ πŸ™πŸ:πŸ›πŸ˜

"Then he said, ‘I have sinned; but please honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel, and go back with me, that I may worship the LORD your God.’"

Once a man has tasted power, glory, and honor, he doesn't want to let them go. Most people will do anything to retain them. Saul was such one! He knew God had rejected him and Samuel was very displeased with him. Yet he asked Samuel to treat him as if Samuel and God were okay with him in front of the people!

And Samuel caved in, to this request. Very interesting! Was Samuel weak as Saul? Saul caved in, to the voice of the people (v24-25). And now Samuel listened to Saul. Well, I see the compassion of Samuel for Saul and the political situation of the nation.

Maybe sometimes, our actions may look compromising to some people, but we must sacrifice even our reputation if necessary. In this, Samuel did not love honor, power, glory as Saul did!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Bible Reading Reflection from 1 Samuel 1-7

 [Originally posted in a WhatsApp group (SSEU), a reading update (reflection) from one chapter of the Bible a day]

πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ πŸ™:𝟚𝟟-𝟚𝟠

"For this boy I prayed, and the LORD has given me my petition which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to the LORD; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the LORD." And he worshiped the LORD there."

We all know Hannah is a woman who poured out her heart before God like a drunk woman. Have we ever prayed like that? Hannah made a vow as well! Hmm! She asked for a son. And she gives back to God.

Abraham desired a son. And God desired Abraham to give back his son to God. Hannah outshone Abraham? πŸ˜‰

Hannah is a grateful woman. She gives back everything willingly, gladly!

Jesus sought grateful people (remember the nine lepers?). God loves to answer the prayers of grateful people!


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ 𝟚:πŸ™

"Then Hannah prayed and said, ‘My heart 𝕖𝕩𝕦𝕝π•₯𝕀 in the LORD; My horn is 𝕖𝕩𝕒𝕝π•₯𝕖𝕕 in the LORD, My mouth speaks boldly against my enemies, Because I rejoice in Your salvation.’"

Notice the words "Exult" and "Exalted"

What's the difference between exultation and exaltation? Well, a dictionary exists to differentiate such words!

Interesting that these two words are found in this verse. Many people didn't know the difference, even the Americans and English! I myself was forced to look up in dictionary by none other than John Piper. He is good at English!

Before Piper was a student of Biblical Language, he was a student of English Literature. He was an English Honors student!

Steve Lawson said that every good preacher is good in Language/English (grammar). He himself mastered English Grammar after he became a Bible student.

Well, let's know the difference between exultation and exaltation and often include them in our Christian vocabulary, especially in prayer as Hannah did!


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"He said, ‘What is the word that He spoke to you? Please do not hide it from me. May God do so to you, and more also, if you hide anything from me of all the words that He spoke to you.’ So Samuel told him everything and hid nothing from him. And he said, ‘It is the LORD; let Him do what seems good to Him.’"

Hmmm! A great episode! Three Remarks:

1. Though Eli was a weak leader, his devotion to God was splendid! May we learn to let God be God and let Him do what is pleasing to Him!

2. Though Samuel was young and looked up to Eli as his reverend mentor, he was brave to proclaim judgment upon him by the word of the LORD. May we be people of courage, declaring what God says, and not afraid of culture, consensus, or the spirit of the age!

3. Though Eli knew the judgment upon him, yet he still asked Samuel. He invoked God to judge young Samuel if he would not reveal all the truths! Eli was indeed a good mentor, a strong mentor, at last! He wasn't able to bring up his children, but here, he made Samuel accountable to him, and himself accountable to Samuel (God)! May we learn to face (admit, expose, accept) our mistakes, weakness, and sins!


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ 𝟜:πŸšπŸ™, πŸ™πŸ 

v21. "And she called the boy Ichabod, saying, ‘The glory has departed from Israel," because the ark of God was taken and because of her father-in-law and her husband.’"

v18. "When he mentioned the ark of God, Eli fell off the seat backward beside the gate, and his neck was broken and he died, for he was old and heavy. Thus he judged Israel forty years."

I've a non-Christian banker friend who used to ask me to lend my Bible to keep near his pillow to avoid a nightmare (ghostly dreams).

Well, I also know a lot of professing Christians who used their Bible for good luck, charms, and whatever! It's not uncommon to see many people opening their Bible randomly, reading a verse or two, just before they pray as they set out for the examination hall! (Maybe I was guilty too).

Israelites were doing that. God had abandoned them. And still, they tried to manipulate God by bringing out the Ark of God. It's tantamount to idolatry. God not only killed them but allowed the Ark of God to be captured too. Our Bibles are just a collection of papers! It has no power to save. Maybe if you keep it in your chest pocket and if somebody shoots you there, it may serve as bulletproof, but not more than that. Or yes, it can be used to treat Ganglion Cyst as Doctors called it a Bible cyst. Or like the Nazis, you can use them as toilet papers.

Well, to Roger, Tyndale, and some Chinese persecuted Christians, Bible is precious just as the Ark of God was precious to Eli and his daughter-in-law, they dropped dead. What a way to die! With the thought of the Glory of God in their deaths!

Earlier, Eli was indicted by God for loving his sons more than his love for the honor of God's name. His manner of death seems to say that Eli died a changed man; he repented! In his last days, the glory of God was more important than the battle or the life of his children!

“Ichabod!” Bible is Ichabod without meditation. Christian Living is Ichabod without obedience. Prayer is Ichabod without submission to God's will.

BTW, it wasn't a complete Ichabod. God's presence was, is, and always be there even in His fiercest judgment!


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ 𝟝:πŸ™πŸ™

"They sent therefore and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines and said, "Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and let it return to its own place, that it may not kill us and our people." For there was a deathly panic throughout the whole city. The hand of God was very heavy there."

God's glory departed from Israel and the battle was lost.

God's glory visited upon the Philistines and they were struck with tumors.

The people of God (Israelites) were ridiculous, but God is not to be mocked. The Philistines mocked Yahweh by treating Him as equal or inferior to Dagon. Yahweh is not one among the gods. He has no equal. He is the only Almighty Potentate.

Some people mocked Jesus because of some phony Christians. Some refused to become Christians because of the behavior of some Christians! Not a good reason. They may even attack them, but they better be careful not to dishonor God!


πŸ™ π•Šπ”Έπ•„π•Œπ”Όπ•ƒ 𝟞:πŸ™πŸ‘-𝟚𝟘

"He struck down some of the men of Beth-shemesh because they had looked into the ark of the LORD. He struck down of all the people, 50,070 men, and the people mourned because the LORD had struck the people with a great slaughter. The men of Beth-shemesh said, ‘Who is able to stand before the LORD, this holy God? And to whom shall He go up from us?’"

Nowadays, 'God' is so cool that anyone can worship Him. You can sing whatever song you like. You can preach whatever you like. You can wear whatever you like. You can do whatever suits you best.

Have you ever heard anyone asking, "Who can serve God?" The Israelites realized that. God is not cool. He is holy. And we cannot serve Him. Joshua has warned them already that we cannot serve God in our ways.

I think it’s Steve Lawson who said that Preachers are trying to make the narrow gate wider. In doing so, they have made the herd of goats bigger.

God is a consuming fire! He kills and damns. The ark of God didn't kill the Philistines, it killed the Israelites, over 50,000 people.

Somebody said, "If you kill a man, you are a murderer. If you kill 1000 you are a conqueror. If you kill 10,000, you are a god." Indeed, Yahweh is God.


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"Now Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, and the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel. But the LORD thundered with a great thunder on that day against the Philistines and confused them, so that they were routed before Israel."

God often used nature to accomplish great things. Indeed, nature is more obedient to God than man. And man loves to blow his trumpet even when it is not of his might! God would not share His glory with a man! And man loves to seek glory for himself!