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Friday, April 13, 2018

Apostasy [With the Word Friday Issue]

 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.
1 John 2:19 (ESV)
Summarize in a Word: Apostasy
Key Principle: Apostasy is around us
Key Application: We must persevere in the faith
Main point of the Reflection: Apostates were never saved since the beginning, and will be manifested by the truth.
Illustration: The Deviation of Charles Templeton and Barth Ehrman
Exhortation: Do not be too quick to label anybody non-Christian out of your emotion. Examine his faith.
Many Christians find disturbing to see people like Charles Templeton and Barth Ehrman deviating from the faith they once were so devoted. Some say it is the failure of the Church since they were the products of the church. Really?
Others say this is the evidence that true Christian can apostate. Is it? This wonderful verse clears away all our doubts and fears.
This is not about people leaving particular Church for another church. It is about people who abandon the historic Christian faith. John described them as anti-Christs, who denied the truth of Christ and departed from the way of righteousness. They came to Christian community with selfish agendas and eventually creating confusions and troubles among them.
John did not give any suspicion that they were the products of the church. It is not that they were once saved and have fallen out later. Rather it means they were never saved, to begin with; they just professed themselves and pretended like genuine ones. We are not surprised because we live in the world of pretension. Sometimes, even we found ourselves pretending to be what we are not.
Christians always encounter such anti-Christs, but the true color of anti-Christs will be shown when true Christians contend for the truth. Do you know the truth, the faith once delivered for all the saints? No matter what the circumstances are, Christians always persevere (by the grace of God) to remain in faith. Next time if somebody leaves your church, do not be too quick to label him non-Christian. Examine him whether he is in the faith or not, not necessarily in your church.
Thanks for the Time of Reflection,
R. Solomon