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Monday, July 16, 2018

Christians have gone dull!?

Christians are commissioned by Christ, our Lord to preach His gospel. His gospel is not just about His death, resurrection, repentance, faith, heaven, hell. It is also about living in this world with holiness.
Human beings do not like the message of God, even Christians do not like it sometimes. God’s message is clearly accessible. In fact, it is the most available thing on earth. It is said that 50 Bibles are sold every minute. We have God’s message in our hand, yet we refuse to treasure it. Reading WhatsApp and Facebook post is more enjoying than reading the Bible, even for many Christians.

Many Christians do not enjoy talking about spiritual things. (One doubts their salvation seriously. They might be on the highway to hell while thinking they are on the road to heaven. They are whitewash-tombs.). We must be interested in spiritual things for every Christian is a spiritual person. Whoever is born-again of the Spirit is a spiritual person. He is a new creation, a citizen of heaven. Our thoughts, conversation, actions must reflect that we are born of the Spirit. God has blessed (not future but already) with every spiritual blessing, but we often refuse to receive it. Many Christians are often like a foolish man who carries a heavy bag on his head while boarding a bus.
Some people fall asleep when listening to sermon. Some people do not want to read anything except the newspaper headline. Some people enjoy and admire reading good anecdotes or quotations or brief article in Facebook or WhatsApp or in any medium, but they forgot what they read after reading it. These are the people around us. Sometimes you and I are one of them.
When Christian reads the Bible, God teaches him timeless, changeless, never-failing truth. The world may write lots, teach lots, seem to inspire lots; yes, they give lots of good information. However, only the Bible gives transformation of lives through the renewing of the spirit and mind. Yet, some of us find so unnatural to treasure the written words of God.
We are so used to disobeying God’s word, that we do not feel afraid or uncomfortable in reading and hearing God’s teaching. We hear without fear and conviction from one ear, and let it out from the other side without a sense of danger and judgment.
We are so used to reading lots of “inspirational” anecdotes or quotes from social media every now and then, that now nothing is so inspirational after all. It does not transform us. At the time of reading, it excites your pretentious heart, but it fades away quickly when reading is done. After all, there are many other things around to excite our deluded mind, why to reread again?
However, God’s word is sharp, living and active. Therefore, I believe God can convict even the dull Christians if the faithful ones remain faithful. So let us remain faithful!