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Monday, July 09, 2018

Satan v/s God

Satan works all the time. (He works outside)
When I was praying, he was not intimidated
When I was resting, he did not give up
When I was sleeping, he was not complacent
When I was sinning, he was not contented
I tell you he is the busiest and most diligent being;
Because he knows, his time is near.
He is roaming to and fro to devour anyone!

      God works greater all the time. (He works in me)
When I was not, He made me
When I was dead in sin, He made me alive
When I was rebellious, He reconciled me
When I was sinning, He convicted me
When I walk with Him, He directs me
God’s grace is greater than my sins.
His grace is greater than the schemes of Satan.
His grace is greater than life itself.
He made life, gives life and renews life.
Though you fail, He remains faithful!