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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Bible Reading Reflection from Acts 1-7

[Originally posted in a WhatsApp group (SSEU) as a daily reading update (reflection) from each chapter of the Bible] 

ACTS 1:4

"And being assembled together with them, He COMMANDED them not to depart from Jerusalem, but TO WAIT for the Promise of the Father, ‘which,’ He said, ‘you have heard from Me.’”

Waiting is difficult. But God wants Christians to be people who wait. We wait for Christ's return till today. Jesus could have sent the Holy Spirit on His death to strengthen His timid disciples, or on His ascension, but He delayed.

Abraham waited 25 years for Isaac after God's promise. Paul waited 13 years for His first missionary journey after his Damascus experience. God rejected Saul because He didn't learn to wait. Isaiah 40:31 promises the eagle's strength and glory for those who wait. David became King decades later after His anointment. Our God himself is waiting patiently for all to turn to Him.

Lord, forbid me to be impatient. Help me to learn and to delight in waiting on You! Amen!


ACTS 2:13

"Others MOCKING said, "They are full of new wine."

Scoffers are always everywhere at any time. If they had mocked Christ, our Lord (also the Apostles), why would we be exempted? There are those who make fun of Christian virtues, ethics, and principles.

When I was in a Seminary, we had a visiting professor who would come twice a year. He would usually preach powerful sermons. Most of us were convicted (like Acts 2:37-38). But when we walked out of the chapel, there was one guy who would deride him and scoff at his teaching, and it almost took away our convictions. Woe to him that makes others stumble (Luke17:1-2)

Indeed Psalm1:1 says, "Blessed is a man who does not associate with a scoffer."

Help me to stay away from the scoffers, Lord. Help me to be bold like Peter to confront the scoffers. May Your Holy Spirit soften my heart to heed You and strengthen me to stand firm against scoffers, Amen!


ACTS 3:6-8

“Then Peter said, ‘Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.’”

The modern church is chided, "Nowadays, the church has the silver and the gold, and does not have the power of God to transform lives." Actually, the criticism is true and false.

Well, the greatest transformation in an individual or society anywhere, anytime is the conversion of a soul to God. The church may not have the miraculous gifts to heal people, but we have the living word of God to transform lives.

Even with the wealth the church has accumulated righteously or unrighteously, we may use them to rescue sinners that they too may worship God.

What's the state of my (our/ your) church?



v13 "when they saw the boldness of Peter . . ."

v29 ". . .grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word"

v31 " . . .and they spoke the word of God with boldness"

As I grow older, I realize boldness does not come easy. Sure, one can be bold because one is foolish as the proverb says, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

To be bold based on strong convictions and demonstrated by a righteous life, which of course is a spirit-filled life.

Apostle Paul also asked Ephesians to pray for him that he will be bold to proclaim the gospel (Eph.6:19). If the Apostles needed boldness and asked for prayers, and if the Lord granted them, how much more do we need to ask and pray for boldness for our preachers!?

Let's pray for all the pastors and preachers that the Lord will grant them boldness to preach His word! 🙏



Many people say that God of OT is an angry God, and God of NT is a loving God. Is it true? Well, in the first book of NT, we see Jesus taking a whip, overturning tables of businessmen, and driving them away. In Acts 5, God killed a couple just because they didn't bring all their money. (Hmm, I will be glad if a church member sold his lands and give even 5% for a church mission program. 🙃) In the last book of NT, we see Jesus with a sharp two-edged sword. His eyes were like a flame of fire. His garments dipped in blood. He is coming back to slaughter.


v1-16: GODLY RESPONSE: Fear God

v5 "so great fear came upon them"

v11 "so great fear came upon all the church"


v17-42: SINFUL RESPONSE: Rebel against God

v17 "they are filled with indignation. . . put them in prison"

v33 "they were furious and plotted to kill them"

Lord, increase in me the fear of You, Amen!


ACTS 6:4

"But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”

What stands out (for me) in ACTS 6 has always been v4. And what stands out (for me) in verse 4 is the word "continually". This adverb "continually" is for both prayer and the ministry of the word.

(And for me): Hmmmn! I have received a lot of comments for my devotion to the word, but haven't received much on my prayer life. Not that I want or care about people's comments, but I also know that great men of God are not only deep in their theology but also deep in prayer!

BTW, I put the phrase "for me" in parenthesis and italicized it because prayer is not the primary theme of this passage exegetically, but it strikes me hard, always!



The longest chapter of the Acts of the Apostles is chapter 7. And it is a sermon. So, preach a long sermon 😝😆

Joke aside, Jesus was confrontational in His preaching and it led Him to death. Stephen's confrontation in v51-53 led him to death. John the Baptist confronted Herod and led him to death.

On the softer side, Jesus still confronted Nicodemus, the woman on the well, the paralytic man, His mother, His disciples, and everyone who wanted to follow Him.

The Gospel is indeed good news but it offends everybody too! The problem with us (preachers) today is that nobody wants to kill us anymore! Not that we want to die, but that we are not valiant for the truth!