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Friday, August 03, 2018

Surpassing Love

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.Romans 5:8 (NKJV)

Summarize in a Word: Surpassing Love
Key Principle: God loves you surpassingly
Key Application: Rejoice in all circumstances
Main point of the Passage: We can rejoice in Hope when we contemplate the love of God demonstrated for us.
Illustration: It is unthinkable to die on behalf of a criminal, a pervert, or a terrorist.
Exhortation: Be hopeful as you witness His love towards you and others. Love God, Love one another.

It looks like we have been baptized in the juice of bitter gourd because we tend to be bitter in lots of trying circumstances. Is it not because we are more concerned about the things around us than the things God has done for us. Who brings sadness to our experiences - God or the world? As long as our cares are all upon the things of the world, we will remain moody instead of being joyous.
Where there is love, there is a joy. We love to experience love and hate to experience hatred. Many people commit suicide because they are not loved. When we understand the love of God, it compels us to love others, yes to even our enemies. In Romans 5:8, we see the Love of God, which surpasses all our imaginations. It is the Love that God loves us, the sinners. It is not a feeling, nor a noble thought, nor gentle words, but an action. It is a love demonstrated towards us. This is an effectual love, which transforms us to love God and others.
This love is demonstrated surpassingly 2000 years ago when Christ died for sinners. God’s love has no condition. We often love others because we have a reason, maybe because they are our family members, or because they are gracious to us. In fact, we often tend to not love those who hate us. God loves us not because of who we are or what we do. He just loves us because of who He is (Eph. 2:4; 1John 4:8).
There is nothing that God hates more than sin. How can holy God love sinners who know nothing but to continually sin? In fact, Psalmist records (in Ps.7:11) that God is angry with the sinners every day. The wrath of God is upon sinners. God's love for sinners is evident when Jesus Christ, the Son of God bore the wrath of God on behalf of us and died on the cross. In our experience of life, it is hard to give one’s life for others. It is unthinkable to die on behalf of a criminal, a pervert, or a terrorist. Yet, Christ died for such as us. What is more loving than this demonstration that Christ died for us when we were still sinners? (cf. John15:13)
When Christ was raised again, He lives to intercede for us and imputes His holiness on us. Is it not enough that God loves us? Is it not enough that we have peace with God now? Is it not enough that we are reconciled to God? Is it not enough that nothing can separate us from the love of God? (cf. Rom 8:31-39) Is it not enough that we would be perfected in love? (cf. 1John 4:12) Rejoice in all circumstances because the surpassing love of God endures forever. Be hopeful as you witness His love towards you and others. Would you be compelled to Love God, and to love one another?