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Showing posts with label Evangelism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evangelism. Show all posts

Thursday, October 31, 2019

4 Questions for all professing Christians

Three questions I usually ask a professing Christian:
1. Do you consider yourself to be a Christian? If yes
2. If calamity happens and if you die now, would you be in heaven or hell?
3. What would you reply if the Lord asks you, "Why should I let you enter My Kingdom?"
And it usually takes an hour to hear these through. Now, I've found a 4th question to ask. And this I would ask only to those who are well-versed with the first 3 questions. So, the 4th question—
4. What makes you so desirous to enter the Kingdom?
(Btw, this 4th question is asked by Ms. Prudence to Mr. Christian, when he came all the way from the City of Destruction heading to the Celestial City in the book "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan)
If you want to hear his answer, buy Pilgrim's Progress and read it! 😀 Charles Spurgeon read it over a hundred times. I'm reading it for the 4th time, and shall not be the last!👍

Monday, August 26, 2019

Preachers and Churchgoers

Preachers are not shopkeepers,
Churchgoers are not customers;
Church is not a market where you justify
Your right of anything to not buy.

Preachers are beggars
Telling other beggars
Where the bread is found!
Isn't that a charming sound?

You are a filthy beggar,
(So am I) dying of hunger.
We have no bragging right,
We must only receive with delight!

Monday, September 03, 2018

The Parable of the Good King

Part I:
There was a kingdom, where the king was just, merciful and wise. The king loved the people that he gave liberty for them to serve him willingly and voluntarily. He did not force his kingship over them because the people knew that they live in His kingdom, where the king’s law is the only law. However, the people of the kingdom were not as good as their king. They took the liberty as a license to do anything they wanted; instead of venturing out for the goodness of the kingdom and for the approval of the king. They wanted power, glory, and praise for themselves. So, it led them to rebel against the king. The king did not execute them for he wanted them to repent from their grievous sins. The king sent messengers and wise men telling them to appear him for reconciliation. They would not respond, so, the king warned that they would be executed sooner, or later if they continue to neglect the invitation.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Prayerful evangelism

Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel.” – Ephesians 6:19 (HCSB)

Summarize in a Word: Prayerful evangelism.
Key Principle: The schemes of the devil are eerily daunting.
Key Application: Arm yourself with prayer supporters.
Main point of the Passage: Always soak in prayer for effective ministry.
Illustration: Apostle Paul in spiritual warfare.
Exhortation: Learn to share your prayer request with fellow Christians.

Gospel has been around the globe yet only a few are saved. Millions of people can articulate the gospel intellectually, yet with no effect to their souls. Indeed Gospel has the power to Salvation, but without the work of the Spirit, evangelism, ministry, everything is in vain.

Monday, July 23, 2018

The other side of Facebook

Billions of people are on Facebook
Are they in the book of life (Lifebook)?
Thousands of users increasing in the former,
Numbers of people missing in the latter.

Have you ever ponder, face-bookers
That Christ wants us to be soul-bookers?
He came to the fishermen,
Calling them to become fishers of men.

They followed, leaving behind their net.
Must we not go beyond the internet?
Wait not for the comfortable time,
For we are told to redeem the time.

You may have friends more than ever
The fans of Justin Bieber.
It profits nothing,
If you do nothing,
To bring a soul to the fold.
Look! Millions of people are Christ untold.