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Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Bible Reading Reflection from Philippians 1-4

[Originally posted in a WhatsApp group (KD) as a daily reading update (reflection) from each chapter of the Bible] 


I was reading PHILIPPIANS 1 this morning. Pastor ______ had explained the significance of the word "bond-servant" (v1) as a demonstration of humility in last Sunday's Sermon when he was going through the last section of Colossians.

So, I decided to meditate on the word Grace and Peace (v2) today. Oh! How often must I think and talk about God's grace in my life! A wretched sinner, redeemed by the grace of God! May I be gracious to others too, as my Lord has been to me!



My meditation for today is PHIL. 2:30: "for the work of Christ, he came close to death"

Paul commended Epaphroditus for his work for Christ. What Epaphroditus did was serving Paul to the point that he got sick almost unto death.

Working for Christ is not just reaching out to lost people. It includes meeting the needs of a brother/sister in Christ. It may be even the daily chores. Whatever I do to build up the body of Christ is a legitimate work for Christ!

Am I delighting in any work of ministry I come across like Epaphroditus? Or do I want to have pre-eminence among all like Diotrephes?



"for our citizenship is in heaven"

I often considered this a relief that I'm not a citizen of Bangladesh or Myanmar but a citizen of India. But many times, I wished I were a citizen of the USA or UK, which is far better than being Indian. Yet, the Bible says that our citizenship is above and beyond the prestige of any nation on earth— ours is of Heaven. Oh! To live like that, in holiness and righteousness in anticipation of the return of Christ, help, Lord!



"Let your gentleness be known to all men"

How often it is easier for me to choose to be tough over gentleness! 😔

How often have I chosen the path of humor, sarcasm, and satire at the expense of gentleness in my speech, writing, and conduct!!!??? 😔

How tempting it is to look witty in the eyes of man when I am commanded to be known for nothing else but gentleness!

My prayer, my desire, my commitment is this: Lord, help me to always look for an option of gentleness in all tough situations, Amen!